Have you built a website, but the leads just aren’t flowing in? Building your site is important foundation work to creating a successful 24 hours a day, lead generating source. To be most effective, your website needs visitors and to get visitors you need a plan!! This is where Inbound Marketing can make all the difference.
We speak to people every day who are “Do It Yourself” (DIY) style business leaders. These people are much more interested in learning how to create and implement an Inbound Marketing strategy than paying to outsource this service, so TorontoSEO.com has decided to help people learn how to DIY for Inbound Marketing with a training offer that is hard to ignore.
And best of all. For companies with eligible employees in Ontario, the Inbound Digital Marketing Training Program we are offering qualifies for the Canada – Ontario Job Grant covering up to 83% of the costs. This means a savings of as much as $5,000 per person taking the course.
The course curriculum occurs over 7 days. We presently have only 2 training course dates being offered, since our first dates are now full. These training dates are:
- Training date #2 – August 1-12
- Training date #3 – September 12 – 23
- More to be announced in last quarter 2016
We recommend 2-3 people from your company (representing marketing, sales and IT if possible) take the training at this same time, to ensure the inbound marketing plan that we will be creating will best meet your specific marketing requirements.
What to Expect from this Training:
- fully understand Inbound Marketing fundamentals.
- receive customized instruction on developing your own 12-month multi-campaign Inbound Marketing plan including campaign design and development for your company.
- capitalize on MacRAE’S 15 years’ experience in helping B2B and B2C with digital marketing strategies, combined with HubSpot expertise as the industry leader in North America.
- receive personalized attention
Course Registration, Fees and Eligibility:
Course registration is limited to ensure your experience is personalized and the plan we create can be tailored to meet your marketing needs, so please confirm your interest ASAP.
Process for Approval:
Once you decide to proceed with applying for the grant, MacRAE’S Marketing will fill out much of the attached form to ensure our training program is properly described for the grant and provide you with a quotation for the training to include with the submission.
Then we will send the forms to you and ask you to add in the employee specific information. Once you have completed the form, you will send the completed documents to the Employment Ontario offices and await approval. Approval can take up to 30 days, but often comes much sooner.
Eligibility for Canada Ontario Job Grant:
Employers with more than 50 employees, pay 1/6th of the training cost upon approval. Employers with less than 50 employees, employers pay 1/3rd of the cost upon approval. Click Canada Ontario Job Grant to learn more about the grant program.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. If you are interested in moving an application forward, please let me know as space is limited.
Thanks Robert Dunford (rob@owen-media.com or robertdunford.stagingwordpresssite.com)