Optimizing your website to increase its On Page SEO (search engine optimization) rank by tweaking its features is one thing, but making it more favorable to search engines is a kind of feat which requires you to monitor several indicators continually. You must keep up with current trends and make sure to maintain your audience and reputation.
Some people claim it mostly comes down to link building. But it’s more than that. It’s about engaging with your (potential) clientele and making sure to place your content on the right places at the right time. These basic SEO tips will help you better implement this feature of digital marketing.
The importance of Off-Page SEO
The Off-Page SEO is the primary indicator of how the world, the market and search engines perceive your website. A website with only a few references will be overlooked, not only by search engines but by visitors as well. Whereas a well optimized one, rich in references and connections to the outside world, will give away an impression of engagement and interaction.
Link building, as the first step
From its beginnings, SEO has had a heavy focus on getting links to your site and specific content on the site like blog and product pages. This is still very important and should be part of the monthly SEO exercises your team should perform. Far from disappearing, the best SEO link building has a greater relevance for Google. So it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines to optimize our web link strategy.
Creating a SEO link building strategy becomes an essential point to be able to compete in traffic and positioning with your competitors. It is important to follow some considerations when generating web links that point to the site where we are working to get the best possible return to our campaign.
The best place to start your link building is to look at who is already linking to the companies that are on page one for the keywords you want to be found for, build your list from these links and start your work. Link building takes time and must be done organically. For example, if you have not had any new, significant inbound links for the last six months and then suddenly your have 50 new links, you may actually be worse off as this is not considered “organic” growth by Google and they will flag this as suspicious activity.
Guest Blogging
Another great way to impact your off-page SEO is to offer to write an article for posting on a website with high value (page rank). You will find this high-ranking website in your link building research, described above and from there you have to contact the web master and offer to write an article that showcases your expertise while being of interest to the readers of the target website. In your discussions with the webmaster be ensure in advance that they will allow you to include a “follow” link in your article so you will get a link from a high value source. If they say no to the link, you may still want to write something as there is still value in getting an article on a high ranking site.
All you need is time (4-6 months) and patience and you can get that new business through digital marketing efforts. If you need results quicker, a website refresh and pay per click (PPC) program may be better suited to your needs. Contact me. We can discuss strategy on the phone or get a coffee. Rob
Rob Dunford is a Marketing Consulting in the Great Toronto Area with over 20 years experience in building and implementing marketing plans for small business.